Journey Church

Together Seeking, Finding, and Encountering God

We Value Community (Together)

We want everyone to feel welcomed as they gather with us for our "Sunday Evening Worship Experiences." Connection and belonging are a requirement for every human soul whether introvert or extrovert. Journey Church is home to imperfect people who are seeking, finding, and encountering God. You don’t have to believe to belong, but if you are seeking, know that God is ready to be found by you.

Journey Church is together seeking, finding, and encountering God. Our purpose is to minister to the heart of God and to bring people face to face with the love of God. We minister to the heart of God through prayer, worship, and attempting to live out the faith according to the written word of God, the Bible. We bring people face to face with the love of God through honest and inspirational preaching and teaching, genuine connection and relationship, and fostering an environment of love and honor.

We are casual in attire while openly seeking God during our gatherings. Our gatherings begin with a short time of prayer, then we worship through song/music, then a message from one of our pastors.

All are welcome!

MATTHEW 7:7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

We Value Prayer and Worship (Seeking)

At Journey Church our goal is to unite people in prayer to and the worship of God. God knows what we need before we even ask, like any good Father would know this about his children. Prayer is important because our communication goes both ways. We find that the more time we spend with God in genuinely seeking Him through prayer, God often responds to us. When we pray, we may at times pray quietly and we may at times pray out loud. Prayer is simply communicating with God. 

Worship is an act of ascribing worth to, exalting, and making priority to any person, place, thing, or idea. When we worship and pray, we participate in the act of seeking. When we worship we will worship with passion and excitement because God is worth getting excited about. We seek only what is important and as Christ followers we believe that God is worth seeking.

We Value “The Word of God” (Finding)

The Bible is a treasure and a mirror. It is a treasure in a sense that it is filled from cover to cover with wisdom for living. It is a mirror in the sense that it provides an honest reflection of who we really are in the eyes of God and continually reminds us of His great love for us.  

We believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God. Each book inside the Bible was given to those led by the Holy Spirit to document the stories, truths, doctrines, and examples we are to be aware of and follow. We believe that everyone needs the gospel “the good news” presented to them at their own level of understanding. Without the truth of God as our anchor we can be tossed back and forth by the winds of culture, human experience, and ill placed ideas that can prove to be detrimental. 

Every week we consider it an honor to share what God is speaking to us through His word. We always strive to communicate it with love, with enthusiasm, and with the same grace that we daily benefit from.

We Value “The Holy Spirit” (Encountering)

The reason we seek and find God is to encounter the transformational power of the Holy Spirit. That transformation happens from the inside out and we become more like Jesus in the way we see and think.

The Holy Spirit coupled with God's word convicts us of our sin and shines light on how to get right with God and with people. (John 16:8) Being led by the Holy Spirit is proof that we are God's children. (Romans 8:14) We also believe that the Holy Spirit is our helper and leads us into all truth. (John 14:16-17 & 25-26 & John 16:13) The Holy Spirit is given to us to be a witness and empowers us to be used by God to impact the world. (Acts 1:8)

We desire to live the full Christian life and our hope is that we can all encounter the Holy Spirit so we can live out our faith journey. Together Seeking, Finding, and Encountering God!